"We paid off


of debt, including our first house!"

Learn more about investing in real estate!

The dfree® Financial Freedom Movement and Kiavi are working together to help aspiring real estate investors reach economic freedom.

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It’s designed to uplift, motivate and empower you to become financially free.

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Get financial freedom at your fingertips! The revamped dfree® Online Academy offers you access to the dfree® 12-step curriculum and other supplemental courses from virtually anywhere. Get started today!

dfree® Financial Freedom Movement

A transformational lifestyle

The dfree® Financial Freedom Movement is a transformational lifestyle that promotes financial freedom through values-based principles and practical approaches to financial management

What is the dfree® Financial Freedom Movement?

Founded in 2005 by Dr. DeForest B. Soaries, Jr., the dfree® Financial Freedom Movement addresses the cultural, psychological and spiritual influences on financial wellness and offers practical strategies for achieving financial success.

People have been helped by the dfree® Movement's national team and its partners
+ 0 K
In consumer debt has been paid off due to the Billion Dollar Challenge
+$ 0 M
People have started on the path to financial freedom through the dfree® Online academy
+ 0 K

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