
dfree® Financial Freedom Movement is committed to being of service to our community.

dfree® Financial Freedom Movement

The Collection

In Dr. DeForest B. Soaries, Jr.’s church, when people replaced the “get more money” mentality with a “get out of debt” approach to financial freedom, not only were hundreds of people able to “say yes to no debt” and be debt free, but church offerings increased by more than $1 million – during a recession!

Read Dr. Soaries’ advice and guiding principles in this collection.

dfree® Lifestyle (Workbook)

“My goal is that you will discover more about yourself than you do about money by the time you complete this experience. That is why I call it the dfree® Lifestyle,” said author Dr. DeForest B. Soaries, Jr., who shares vital keys to debt-free living in “Say Yes to No Debt: 12 Steps to Financial Freedom.” The principles of the dfree® Financial Freedom Movement are very simple:

  • Live without debt.
  • Pay bills on time to avoid late payments and late fees.
  • Live below your means. Spend less than you earn.


These principles translate into financial wellness, and the money you find will put you on the path toward wealth creation.

ISBN-10: 1630385018

Meditations for Financial Freedom Vol. 1

Using personal and biblical stories and verses, Meditations for Financial Freedom (Vol. 1) is the first installment of a twelve-part series aimed at helping people who are attempting to attain and maintain financial freedom. This book offers daily meditations that inform and inspire – make you laugh and make you cry – with reflections that walk through the books of The Bible and highlight concepts that address financial issues including saving, investing, retirement, employment, entrepreneurship and a myriad of subjects relevant to personal finance.

ISBN-10: 0997243600

Meditations for Financial Freedom Vol. 2

Using personal and biblical stories and verses,  Meditations for Financial Freedom (Vol. 2) is the second installment of a twelve-part series aimed at helping people who are attempting to attain and maintain financial freedom. This book offers daily meditations that inform and inspire – make you laugh and make you cry – with reflections that walk through the books of The Bible and highlight concepts that address financial issues including saving, investing, retirement, employment, entrepreneurship and a myriad of subjects relevant to personal finance.

ISBN-10: 0997243627

Your dfree® for Seasoned Citizens

Do you know how much debt you owe? Do you have a plan that guides your spending? Are you able to pay all your bills on time every month? Do you have an emergency contingency income plan? Do you have enough financial resources to handle an emergency? If you answered “no” to any of those questions, you would be a great participant in the dfree® Financial Freedom Movement. Many seniors have signed up for the dfree® Online Academy because they have financial questions and struggles. Maybe you never took the required steps to support your retirement. Perhaps you planned well but have found yourself in debt after helping family members or friends. Or, maybe you weren’t expecting to retire but suddenly found yourself unemployed or facing a significant health condition. These are just some of the common experiences that leave seniors needing financial advice. The dfree® team can help.

ISBN-10: 099724366X

Your dfree® for Entrepreneurs

If you haven’t yet, you should read Dr. DeForest B. Soaries, Jr.’s book, “Say Yes to No Debt: 12 Steps to Financial Freedom.” It contains the principles and strategies of the dfree® Financial Freedom Movement that will lead you to a life of financial security. This supplement to the book is a must-read for entrepreneurs.

Do you know how much debt you have? Do you have a plan that guides your spending? Are you able to pay all your bills on time every month? Do you have an emergency contingency plan? Do you have enough financial resources to handle an emergency? If you answered “no” to any of those questions, you should consider participating in the dfree® Online Academy. Many entrepreneurs have joined because they have financial questions and struggles. Maybe you have taken on too much debt for yourself. Perhaps you have counted on your business to provide for you in your golden years and haven’t adequately planned for retirement. Or maybe you have poor cash-flow management. Join the dfree® Online Academy and begin your journey to financial freedom today!


Your dfree® for Young Adults

Although young adults are technologically savvy, when it comes to financial management, many live in debt and deficit. They feel as though they have not been provided with the information to make sound financial decisions.

This supplement will provide you with resources to be financially free!


Contributing Partners

Wife Life: Securing your Future

by Dr. Sabrina J. Ellis


by Dee C. Marshall

The 21 Day Financial Fast

by Michelle Singletary

The One Week Budget

by The Budgetnista Tiffany Aliche

Black Faces in White Places

by Randal Pinkett

Miss Jessie’s: Creating a Successful Business from Scratch–Naturally

by Miko Branch

What to Do with Your Money When Crisis Hits: A Survival Guide

by Michelle Singletary

Reverend Dr. DeForest B. Soaries, Jr.

As a pioneer of faith-based community development, Dr. Soaries’ impact on First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens (FBCLG) and the community has been tremendous. In 1992, he founded the Central Jersey Community Development Corporation (CJCDC): a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that specializes in revitalizing distressed neighborhoods. In 1996, Soaries founded the Harvest of Hope Family Services Network, Inc. (HOH). This organization develops permanent solutions for children in the foster care system.